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Student Housing
The University of Mississippi

Residential College South

Residential College South (RC South) opened in 2009 and houses residents on four floors. Resident rooms have in-room bathrooms. Shared spaces include a computer lab, study rooms, a full-size kitchen, ping pong tables, a library, and an amazing green space that’s perfect for games and activities. RC South residents dine in the The Dish and are required to purchase the RC Unlimited Plus 1 Dining Plan.


A P.O.D. Market is located here.

Community Info

RC South seeks to create an atmosphere that is conducive to both learning and fun. A senior faculty fellow lives in the building with their family and contributes to life in the college by programming activities that help students nurture their academic and extracurricular interests.

Residents of RC South currently include first-year students who are RC South members, Health and Human Sciences LLC members, and General Community students.

When you accept an invitation to join the RC South community, you agree to be an active participant of the community and fulfill certain responsibilities, including but not limited to attending at least one RC South faculty-led program per semester, completing study hall hours each week (if needed), and meeting with an advisor regularly to ensure that you are progressing academically.

Standard double occupancy layout for Luckyday and RC South